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Donate with JustGiving

We need you!

Want to be a part of a fantastic event?

We need you, to help us make the St Helens 10k & 2K the biggest we have had!

Why you should Volunteer for the St Helens 10K & 2K Each year:

We require volunteers in a variety of roles to ensure our St Helens 10k & 2k events go without a hitch and the participants have a fantastic time.

Whether you’re volunteering on behalf a group or organisation or simply for yourself, GPW Recruitment and The Steve Prescott Foundation are very grateful for your support and so are thousands of participants.

Who can volunteer?

Everyone is welcome to volunteer with us! The only recommendation we make is that volunteers are aged over 16 and have a passion for raising awareness and making a difference!

What roles are available at our St Helens 10k & 2k Events?

Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles including:

  • Start/Finish line
  • Route Marshals
  • Drink Station Marshals
  • Baggage Store Marshals
  • Medal and prize packaging
  • other responsibilities which will be given from the Event Directors

You just need lots of enthusiasm and a positive attitude, excellent communications skills and to enjoy working as part of a team and you can help ensure a great experience for thousands of runners.

Benefits of volunteering?

  • Meeting new people
  • Helping support the local community and The Steve Prescott Foundation
  • Supporting and improving the experience of our thousands of participants and the Foundations causes

All volunteers will receive a medal, T-shirt and walk away with a fantastic achievement of being a part of a fantastic event!

How can I get involved?

To generously give up a few hours of your time, please contact Martin on 07971792859 or email

Got a question?

email us If you wish to discuss any special requirements or have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.