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Free NHS Checks for 40 - 74 yr old proactive than reactive!

Foundation backs health check call

St Helens Council has teamed up with the Steve Prescott Foundation to urge people to book their free NHS health check.

The council’s Public Health team was delighted to receive the foundation’s backing for its message that early detection of risks can make a huge difference to a person’s overall health.

Steve sadly passed away at the end of last year, aged just 39, after a brave battle against cancer. But his memory lives on through the tremendous work of the Steve Prescott Foundation, which has so far raised more than half million pounds for charity.

The foundation’s Martin Blondel said: “Steve spent his final years battling cancer and I can think of no finer tribute to his memory than as many people as possible taking preventative action to avert potentially serious health conditions.”

The national health checks programme helps to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease and helps to identify problems early and start treatments for people aged 40-74. Everyone in this age group will be invited for a check by their GP every five years, starting in April in St.Helens.

SPF Charity Ambassador Chris Joynt receiving his free health check at the Spinney Mediacal Centre Thatto Heath.

The focus is on prevention and early detection of the risk factors that can make a difference to overall health. These include smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, blood pressure, blood fats and alcohol.

St Helens Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing Councillor Gareth Cross said: “Health checks are easy, straightforward and will be carried out by a trained health care professional.

“They include a range of questions about your general health, lifestyle and family history. Simple measurements such as height, weight and blood pressure will be taken to look for signs, symptoms and risk factors for a number of diseases.”

Once the health check is completed, everyone will be provided with health advice and support based on the results. If necessary, they will be referred to other specialists for treatment or other interventions.

For more information about the health check, please visit the NHS Health Checks page on or alternatively contact your GP.